
Friday, March 25, 2011

Our Backyard And Some More

Happy Weekend!!

This week really flew by for both of us....don't you just love it when that happens? Bryan and I are about to head out for date night (we're seeing Limitless, so excited!), but I had to do a quick blog post before we left. Bryan has instructed me that I have 10 minutes to write this, so I'll make it quick.

We finally finished mulching the backyard....well, we're still short one bag of mulch, so I guess we didn't technically finish, but I wanted to post pictures so it's finished for now.

Here is the back corner of the yard when we started out (and a very candid moment of Bryan):

And here it is now. I love the little baby plants and I go outside everyday to look at them! Excuse all the willow branch twigs, I didn't feel like picking them up so this is what you get. I can't wait to document their growth!

Here is the front corner of the yard before:

And here it is now (still being mulched). Exuse the mulch bags in this picture. I suppose I could have waited for it to be done and cleaned up, but I'm just not a very patient person.

We actually still need to add several more plants to both beds....3 Hostas, 3 Snowball flower/bush things, and some more grasses. I know it's not very impressive or showstopping right now, but trust me, in a few months everything will be big and pretty! I plan to give you a garden update every 2 weeks or so.

You may also be wondering "Why the heck did they need HUGE beds in the yard, couldn't they have made them smaller?" Well, no, we couldn't have. Those willow trees make it almost impossible to grow grass back there, so our solution was lots and lots of flowers instead! Now we just need to make grass grow where it's sunny. As you can see, that's still mostly dirt and weeds as well. Unfortunately we have to wait until May to over seed....but the sprinklers are in and we will be good to go once the seed is on the ground.

I can't wait to see everything in the backyard transform to what I know it can be. I hope you are excited too!

And since I'm on a photo editing kick this week (I just learned how to use Photoshop actions), I'll leave you will a few more unedited/edited pictures.

Love them! I hope they don't look too edited. That's one of my pet peeves, so I tried not to do too much....

I have a really pretty picture of Bryan too (he's actually really mad at me in the picture, but he looks serious and very "model" like haha), but I was specifically told not to put it on the blog because he didn't want to be made fun of :).

And on a very random note, I wanted to say "hi and thank you" to all of the new followers I've gotten recently! I don't know any of you personally, but you seem so nice and I'm very flattered that you think my little blog is worth reading :). I always get SO excited when I see that I have a new follower, so thanks!

Have fun this weekend!


  1. I love that you are a rule breaker... what the hubby doesn't know..... Great start on the flower beds

  2. You should try the Adobe Photoshop- Lightroom program {you can download a free trial from their website for 30 days}. Will change your photos forever. Have fun with your yard!

  3. Its really coming along! Love what you have done so far.

  4. Wow, ya'll did such a great job on the backyard... it is so nice. Yet, again we are working on our backyard ya'll are just one step ahead of us in pretty much everything. I am sooo adding your blog..:)

  5. Great job in the back yard. I like the beds around the trees. I bet they have filled in a lot now.


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