
Monday, March 14, 2011


I love Lubbock. Like, really. I love the people, my job, our house, the warm (not windy) weather, and all of the many friends we've made. But can I just say, that I LOVE being back in Colorado. There's just something about being in the same place where you grew up that you just can't get anywhere else. And the shopping is good too.

Oh, and you also get to wake up to this:

Yes, you get to enjoy the prettiness in the morning, AND it melts by the afternoon!

These past few days have been much needed, and I wish we weren't about to leave! We have been hanging out for the last time at the Roberts' house before they make the big move to Louisiana. It makes me so sad to think that I will never drive through Daniel's Park (the place where we had our first kiss when we were 16 and where Bryan proposed when we were 20) to get to their house again. I have so many memories of our time spent here, from youth group Christmas Parties to family dinners after Bryan's baseball games back in high school. This is the place where I met most all of my in-laws and where we went to celebrate after we got engaged. I've had so much fun here, and will miss it a lot, but can't wait to see what God has in store for this great family in LA. I'm sure He won't disappoint :).


  1. Oh wow, it's so pretty there. Although, I HATE the cold. I like to look at it through a window or in pictures lol. :)

    We have big plans to get far away from coldness in the future. :)

    Hope you guys have a lovely trip!!

  2. Thanks, we did! And I'm not a fan of the cold either...thankfully this all melted and it was warm and sunny by lunchtime!


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